

Common Questions About Cataracts

Mar 17 • 2 minute read

Cataracts can greatly affect your vision and everyday activities. Some of the symptoms include cloudy or blurry vision and changes in how you perceive color. There are many questions people often ask about cataracts, and this guide seeks to address most of them, including what causes cataracts, treatment plans, and common symptoms.

1. What Are Cataracts?

Cataracts are visual complications associated with the lens in your eye becoming cloudy or foggy, often due to the breakdown of proteins and fibers in the eyes. Having cataracts can feel like viewing the world through a cloudy window, causing distorted or blurry vision.

2. Why Do Cataracts Form?

Cataracts usually form when protein accumulates in the lens of your eye, making your vision cloudy. This protein buildup typically hinders light from entering your eye clearly. However, there are several different types of cataracts, including:

  • Age-related – forms as you age

  • Congenital – some babies are born with cataracts

  • Secondary – develops due to medical problems such as diabetes, radiation, or toxic substances

  • Traumatic – caused by severe injury to the eye, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, or air pollution

3. What Are the Symptoms to Watch Out For?

Cataracts often develop at a slow pace, and many patients don’t even notice they have cataracts until their vision begins to become blurry. At this stage, you may notice the following problems:

  • Changes in color perception

  • Nearsightedness

  • Issues driving at night

  • Double vision

  • Problems with glare

  • Contact lenses or eyeglasses failing to perform well

  • Filmy or cloudy vision

4. Are Cataracts Treatable with Surgery?

Yes, cataracts can be treated with a simple surgery to correct vision impairments. Although many patients who undergo cataract surgery say that it's not painful, it is not uncommon to feel a little discomfort after the fact.

5. Is Vision Loss from Cataracts Permanent?

No, vision loss from cataracts is not permanent. Your surgeon can remove the natural lens and replace it with an artificial one to restore vision. The new lens is what allows you to see clearly after cataract surgery.

6. What Is an IOL?

An IOL refers to an intraocular lens that your surgeon places during cataract surgery after removing your eye’s natural lens.

7. At What Age Will I Get Cataracts?

The age when cataracts develop varies from individual to individual, but cataracts are most common in those over the age of 60. Often, people don't even realize they're beginning to develop cataracts until a doctor tells them or they begin to notice changes in their vision after having them for years.

8. How Long Does it Take to Recover From Cataract Surgery?

Once you have undergone cataract surgery, your vision should start becoming clearer within a few days. During the recovery time, your eyes will gradually adjust to your IOL, meaning that your vision might be a little blurry as your eyes heal. However, your vision will clear up with time, and any discomfort will go away as you recover. Most patients’ eyes typically heal within two weeks after surgery.

Arrange a Consultation With Our Cataract Experts

If you are experiencing any cataract symptoms, be sure to contact Global LASIK & Cataract Institute in Ontario. Our doctor is ready to examine your eyes and recommend the right course of treatment to restore your vision! Contact us today to schedule your appointment!

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