Pterygium also known in Spanish as Carnosidad is pinkish triangular tissue that grows over the eye beginning from the nasal (inside) and/or temporal (outside) region and develops toward the center clear part of the eye called cornea. This growth can hinder vision, cause the eye to be dry, cause astigmatism and cosmetically give appearance of red and angry eyes. Historically, there has never been a remedy for this condition and individuals experiencing a pterygium were told to live with this condition. However now we have solutions ranging form medication to minimum invasive removal procedures. Patients from across the country can now visit our pterygium evacuation specialists at Global LASIK and Cataracts and get rid of this frustrating and unwanted condition!
If you notice the start of one, it is essential to see our GLC specialists sooner rather later. As with many other medical condition it is much easier get rid of this condition in early stages rather then in advance stages. Our doctors are trained in the most advanced techniques in pterygium excision. If this procedure is not done by a trained specialist, the pterygium can return in a very aggressive manner. To further reduce the odds of pterygium returning, our surgeons use special medication and on case by case bases a technique called auto grafting hence drastically reducing the chance of pterygium recurrence.
We still don't know exactly why some people develop this condition and some don't. We do know that overexposure to UV light and exposure to dusty environments and dry eyes may provoke this condition. Also, there seem to be genetic component to it as well. In certain ethnicity such as Hispanics we see more prevalence of this condition.
If you or your loved one is searching for solution for this frustrating and agonizing condition please give us call and visit one of our centers. Our doctors are specialized in evaluating and treating this tissue growth condition. The treatment may be as simple as placing you on artificial tears regime to a minimum invasive removal procedure.